Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hitting the Books.....On the Road

(Chad and his mustache getting some studying in before the trip)

So it’s that time of year again….only days away from the opening weekend for the College Baseball season. For the Marist baseball team, the opening weekend takes us 12 hours to Johnson City, Tennessee to face off against the East Tennessee State Buccaneers. Days before leaving for a long trip like this, times can be very hectic for many student athletes. Catching up on your school work and making sure all your teachers know about your travels is a vital part to insuring a less stressful trip. Because of the crazy travel schedule it can become tough to get work done which means keeping in contact with teachers is important. While on a long bus ride it’s not uncommon to wake up from a nap in the middle of the night and see another teammate typing away at a paper on his laptop.

How in the world can we get all of our work done on a bus and hotel room you might ask? Over the years you learn exactly what you have to do in order to manage your time around an action packed weekend of travels. One of the major things we have learned over the years is the best way to get work done is to knock out as much as you can before you arrive to the hotel. Long trips such as the one we have coming up gives you plenty of time to catch up on some reading you have for a class or get a head start on a paper you may have coming up. Even though it may not be the quietest place in the world to get your studies done, it’s all part of the fun while being on the road.

 Tune back in Thursday for our first post from the road to Tennessee!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Look at that mustachio!
    fear the beard no longer haha

    Love all your posts guys :) Very entertaining!
